This site will be dedicated to saving America from the Communists in both parties. I have been saying since the 1980’s to get rid of 100% of the Democrats and 90% of the Republicans. Now at this time I say get rid of 99% of the Republicans as well. THEY ARE ALL ON THE TAKE!!
We used to have integrity in this nation. We used to have auditor general offices whose job was to watch how our tax money was spent and where it went. Now we disguise foreign aid as graft and kickbacks.
We MUST stop mail in ballots for everyone EXCEPT the Military personal on active duty serving this great land. The Democrats are cheating by producing fake ballots, multiple voting from county to county and state to state and by counting illegals in the Census to create seats in the government they do not deserve to have.
Why doesn’t the FBI investigate these crimes? Because the Attorney General is a corrupt Democrat and the FBI is full of Communists, Muslims and criminals put there mostly by Democrats and left there by Republicans. What does the FBI have on our politicians that keeps them all breaking the law and ignoring the criminality of our government???
I am a military trained investigator and was a manager of investigations at AT&T and spent most of my work life in law enforcement. There are a lot of imposters out there calling themselves ANGRY TOM but people I am THE ANGRY TOM heard in Michigan on many local radio programs and to the nation often on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America.
Now there is a few things I need from my fellow Americans. I need a web designer that wants to save America as much as I do.
I need people that would love to be guests on my podcast. Sure I will eventually reach out to well known Conservative fighters out there but I also want people like myself, middle class people who see the destruction of the USA and wish to talk about it with me.
Finally I will need advertisers to offset the costs of these podcasts and I pray I get to the point I can retire from my current job and spend most of my “free” time on the air educating the morons (Democrats), the wishy-washy moderates and even some Conservatives not quite thinking clearly.
WE the People can save America from the Communist Democrats but you must get active in talking to co-workers, family and friends and TRY to wake them up from their political ignorance on the PURPOSEFUL DESTRUCTION of the USA by the Democrats and Rino Republicans!!
We the People must take as TRUTH that the Founding Fathers were mostly Christian men with God’s Wisdom that created a Constitution to set up a FREE NATION, free from an intrusive government and unfair taxation and power hungry politicians. These men feared that men of poor character would get into office and corrupt this great Land. They did! We must take it back!!!!
Some personal info about me. I really was born on the 4th of July. I was told I was the first private EVER to become a Military Police Investigator after just recently finishing 1st in my class at MP School. I am a lifetime member of the American Legion and the NRA. I retired from AT&T and currently performing security functions at a high security mental hospital so I REALLY do know Democrats.
I used the Freedom of Information Act to look at my high school records and I do have a “genius” iq (140-151) and finished 96% in the NATION on the SAT’s in 1972 before they dumbed them down like 3x since. I should mention this was after a night of drinking with my friends and 2 hrs of sleep. Might have aced it if I wasn’t burping so much. So the odds are very good I really am smarter than you so please listen to me and learn from me that our Government is TOTALLY CORRUPT and “WE” must fight to fix it. I was also voted funniest kid in school nearly every year of school so my podcasts will be educational and funny!!
Contact information: My full name ThomasCatterall at